Hide our ignorance as we will, an evening of wine soon reveals it.
Heraclitus -
For when is death not within our selves? And as Heracleitus says: “Living and dead are the same, and so are awake and asleep, young and old. The former when shifted are the latter, and again the latter when shifted are the former."
Change is the only constant.
Heraclitus -
If it were not for injustice, men would not know justice.
Heraclitus -
Life has the name of life, but in reality it is death.
Heraclitus -
War is the father of all things.
Heraclitus -
The majority of people have no understanding of the things with which they daily meet, nor, when instructed, do they have any right knowledge of them, although to themselves they seem to have.
Heraclitus -
It is in changing that things find purpose.
You can never step in the same river twice.
Heraclitus -
I see nothing but Becoming. Be not deceived! It is the fault of your limited outlook and not the fault of the essence of things if you believe that you see firm land anywhere in the ocean of Becoming and Passing. You need names for things, just as if they had a rigid permanence, but the very river in which you bathe a second time is no longer the same one which you entered before.
Heraclitus -
Man, like a light in the night, is kindled and put out.
Heraclitus -
Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise.
Heraclitus -
Though wisdom is common, yet the many live as if they had a wisdom of their own.
Heraclitus -
The path up and down is one and the same.
Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possess the power of kings.
Heraclitus -
When men dream, each has his own world. When they are awake, they have a common world.
Heraclitus -
A man's character is his fate.
Heraclitus -
Things of which there is sight, hearing, apprehension, these I prefer.
Heraclitus -
No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.
Heraclitus -
Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.