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Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.
There's more to me than just this jersey I wear, and that's Christ living inside of me.
No better blessing than the responsibility of fatherhood.
I think I may have too much of a scientific mindset and am always looking for the caveats and qualifications in any situation. I never thought seriously of doing a PhD until relatively late in the day. I was always diligent at the book-work at university but the brightest amongst my friends all seemed to have a more intuitive grasp of the subject.
Each game is an opportunity to be on a great stage and be a witness for Christ. When I step on the floor, people should know who I represent, who I believe in.
The best shooters shoot the exact same way every single time they look at the basket.
I got good grades but no particular comment stands out in my memory, I'm afraid. I was one of those annoying and rather boring model pupils.
In my terms, "neurocognitive efficiency" is being able to make smarter, faster decisions on the floor.
It represents a Bible verse I wear on my shoe. Philippians 4:13. It says 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' It's also my mantra, how I get up for games and why I play the way I do.
We just forced them into tough shots that whole overtime. It was a classic five minutes that we needed.
Yesterday was the first time I saw Kevin Durant in a Warrior T-shirt. I like did a double-take; it was the weirdest thing ever, because it's still kind of fresh.
I have a bet with my mom that involves a little money, and if I have too many turnovers, she gets in my pocket. I'm afraid of that for sure.
Kids put life into perspective. I never have a bad day. Life happens and you get bad news sometime, or things don't go your way at work - for me that might mean I lose a game or not play well - but that doesn't affect my mood from day to day. I love going home and seeing the smiles on my daughters' faces being happy to see me, and that makes everything all right.
I try to use every game as an opportunity to witness. I try to do a little signal every time I make a shot as a way to preach the message in little ways that I can.
If I make a double bogey, the fans on whatever hole better watch out; I might throw it. I might throw it at them.
Success is born out of faith, an undying passion, and a relentless drive.
I can accomplish all those. It's really awkward, kind of, for me coming out here and being in a competitive golf atmosphere. I don't get to do it but once a year, except my, like, local tournaments back home in Oakland.
I really cherish everything that basketball brings; and I think, for me, it's been a great ride and I'm not done yet.
It's a really weird mindset to kind of try to take my mentality on the basketball court and bring it here on to the golf course. I don't want to have too high of expectations on, like, each hole, just try to enjoy the process, but hopefully get out to a good start tomorrow and be in the conversation and see what happens.
He credited his teammates, who he thanked in turn, with challenging him every day and driving him forward and making him a better player.
You obviously have your routines that you rely on, then you go out and play and have fun. For us in basketball, we have a seven-game series, so you have time to adjust if you need to. It's a fun experience to go through, and one that I'll remember for a long time.
What I tell people is be the best version of yourself in anything that you do. You don't have to live anybody else's story.
All 14 guys on the team have sacrificed something to get to this point.
Golf's for everybody.