I've never had to compromise myself for a job, ever.
I go into military communities and do fundraisers and that kind of thing with the band, because I know that the music can help do a lot of things. It can bring communities together, it can raise awareness... and it entertains.
My mission is to support our service members. They're volunteers, and if they're going to go to a hostile place like Afghanistan, I think we owe it to them to back them up and try to help them get through it.
I was always fascinated with rock 'n' roll, or girls, or something like that when I was a kid.
I have a band that I started with a buddy of mine, a Vietnam veteran pal named Kimo Williams from Chicago.
The wonderful drama teacher at my high school, Barbara Patterson, saw me standing in the hall and told me I should audition for 'West Side Story.' I guess she thought I looked like a gang member.
I played a character in 'Ransom' who was as evil as they come.
I study to learn, to be an educated person.
Have I done more business-related things to help my career grow? Yeah. I took the business end more seriously, hooked up with a manager, got some help, because at a certain point, you get frustrated when you go do auditions, and people say you did a great job, and then you don't get he part.
The chance to play a romantic character who kisses somebody onscreen was one of the elements that made me want to do 'The Stand.' The more you can do, the better, and I've been known as a character actor.
I think you're lucky if you discover what you really love at a young age. College wasn't something I was going to do. I wanted to keep acting, and I didn't want to go to New York or California and pound the pavement.
I save money when I'm working so that I never have to take a role simply to pay the bills.
I started as an actor. I started directing because Steppenwolf needed another strong director.
There's always the ongoing actor frustration of finding the great role to do next. I don't go to work a lot. I wait as long as I can until the money runs out or a great part comes along.
'The Stand' came out in May of '94 and was seen by 60 million people a night for four nights, and then two months later, 'Forrest Gump' opened. So within a very short time, I went from being depressed about not getting any work to being in two of the most popular shows of the year.
My wife's a loving, funny, Irish-spirited person, and I'm still surprised at some of the things she says. She makes me laugh every day.
Unless you have a long-running series, most actors just go job to job if you're lucky to keep working. You just do a movie or a play or a TV thing, and it's over at some point.
The University of Southern California has a wonderful social work department, and I was thrilled to find out that they have a whole veterans' initiative program there. They approached me, and I set up a scholarship that would go to a military-oriented person to learn techniques and skills to better help veterans.
I started a theater called Steppenwolf. We've been very supportive of the veterans there.
I'm not like one of those actors who's a frustrated director.
I'm not registered to any party. I don't really play in the political world. I'm really more interested in getting things done.
You learn from things that don't go well, and you try to capitalize when they do. You build on those strengths and try to make your weaknesses stronger.
It's always been my dream to do a dance scene with Anthony Hopkins.
Wherever I go for the military, they always call me Lt. Dan. They just can't help it.