A fence to wisdom is silence.
Everything is foreseen, yet freedom of choice is granted.
If a rock, though extremely hard, can be hollowed out by water, how much more so should it be possible for The Light, which is compared to water, to change my heart. I will begin to study it, and try to become a scholar of The Light.
Before you taste anything, recite a blessing.
Beloved is man, for he was created in the image of God.
Beloved is man, for he was created in the image of God. Beloved are Israel, for they were called children of God. Beloved are Israel, for unto them was given the desirable Torah
Jesting and levity lead a man to lewdness.
Like a twisted olive tree in its 500th year, giving then its finest fruit, is man. How can he give forth wisdom until he has been crushed and turned in the Hand of God.
The paper burns, but the words fly away.
In the beginning, sin is like a thread of a spider's web. But in the end, it becomes like the cable of a ship.
He who remains unmarried impairs the divine image.
Beloved are Israel, for they were called children of the All-present.