All strangers and beggars are from Zeus, and a gift, though small, is precious.
Homer -
It's man's to fight, but heaven's to give success.
The rest were vulgar deaths unknown to fame.
Homer -
All things are in the hand of heaven, and Folly, eldest of Jove's daughters, shuts men's eyes to their destruction. She walks delicately, not on the solid earth, but hovers over the heads of men to make them stumble or to ensnare them.
Homer -
And empty words are evil.
Homer -
I have no interest at all in food and drink, but only in slaughter and blood and the agonized groans of mangled men.
Homer -
Nobody gets into heaven without a glowstick.
Homer -
Strife, only a slight thing when she first rears her head but her head soon hits the sky as she strides across the earth.
Goddess-nurse of the young, give ear to my prayer, and grant that this woman may reject the love-embraces of youth and dote on grey-haired old men whose powers are dulled, but whose hearts still desire.
Homer -
I long for home, long for the sight of home.
Homer -
Fear, O Achilles, the wrath of heaven; think on your own father and have compassion upon me, who am the more pitiable.
Homer -
Because they're stupid, that's why. That's why everybody does everything.
Homer -
We battle on in words, as always, mere words, and what's the cure? We cannot find a thing.
Homer -
Thus have the gods spun the thread for wretched mortals: that they live in grief while they themselves are without cares; for two jars stand on the floor of Zeus of the gifts which he gives, one of evils and another of blessings.
Everyone knows rock n' roll attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact.
Homer -
The lot of man-to suffer and die.
Homer -
The hearts of the great can be changed.
Homer -
The journey is its own reward.
Homer -
Boy, everyone is stupid except me.
Homer -
For never, never, wicked man was wise.
Wine sets even a thoughtful man to singing, or sets him into softly laughing, sets him to dancing. Sometimes it tosses out a word that was better unspoken.
Homer -
And not a man appears to tell their fate.
Homer -
There is nothing alive more agonized than man / of all that breathe and crawl across the earth.
Homer -
Over the wine-dark sea.