The farther you enter into the truth, the deeper it is.
Deep down, fundamentally, we are the 'unborn'. We never came into being and we never go out of being. All of these coming and goings are just pulses in the pattern
Unborn and imperishable is the original mind. Earth, water, fire and wind — A temporary lodging for the night.
In criticizing, the teacher is hoping to teach. That's all.
Don't hate the arising of thoughts or stop the thoughts that do arise. Simply realize that our original mind, right from the start, is beyond thought, so that no matter what, you never get involved with thoughts. Illuminate original mind, and no other understanding is necessary.
An enlightened awareness is within each one of us, right at this moment.
If one is truly natural and innocently spontaneous, the Unborn will appear.
When you walking along naturally, you're walking in the harmony of the Unborn.
When your parents gave you life, there wasn’t a trace of selfish desire, bad habits or self-centerednesss. But from the age of four or five you picked up the mean things, you saw other people do and the bad things you heard them say, so that gradually as you matured, growing up badly, you developed selfish desire, which in turn produced self-centeredness. Deluded by this self-centeredness, you then proceeded to create every sort of evil. If it weren’t for being centered on yourself, delusions would not arise. When delusions do not arise, that is none other than abiding in the Unborn Buddha Mind…
When your study of Buddhism is through you find you haven’t anything new.