You can't be protein deficient without being calorie deficient because even if you take the foods that have the least amount of protein in them, let's say potatoes, for example, or rice at 8 or 9%. That's the figure we more or less need.
We now had impressive evidence that low protein intake could markedly decrease enzyme activity and prevent dangerous carcinogen binding to DNA.
It’s never too late to start eating well. A good diet can reverse many of those conditions as well. In short: change the way you eat and you can transform your health for the better.
Perhaps it is a testament to the power of modern marketing savvy that an obese man with heart disease and high blood pressure became one of the richest snake oil salesmen ever to live, selling a diet that promises to help you lose weight, to keep your heart healthy and to normalize your blood pressure.
When absurdities get repeated often enough, they start sounding like truth.
Everything in food works together to create health or disease. The more we think that a single chemical characterizes a whole food, the more we stray into idiocy.
The answer to the American health crisis is the food that each of us chooses to put in our mouths each day. It's as simple as that.
First, nutrition is the master key to human health. Second, what most of us think of as proper nutrition--isn't.
Everything in food works together to create health or disease.
One way to identify the optimal human diet, pretty obvious to all but fundamentalist reductionists, is to survey and compare populations as they already exist, and see what they eat and how healthy they are.
In short, it is about the multiple health benefits of consuming plant-based foods, and the largely unappreciated health dangers of consuming animal-based foods, including all types of meat, dairy and eggs.
A plant-based diet is more likely to produce good health and to reduce sharply the risk of heart problems, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, gallstones, and kidney disease.
Nutrition trumps genes.
As you will come to see, much is governed by the Golden Rule: he who has the gold makes the rules.
There’s only one thing that we have to do in life, and that is to die.
Excessive animal protein is at the core of many chronic diseases.
Good health is about being able to fully enjoy the time we do have. It is about being as functional as possible throughout our entire lives and avoiding crippling, painful and lengthy battles with disease. There are many better ways to die, and to live.
The national debate on health-care reform wildly misses the mark, with Democrats and Republicans alike arguing about who's going to pay rather than about what would actually make people healthy.
A good diet is the most powerful weapon we have against disease and sickness.
Once people start introducing animal products into their diet, that's when the mischief starts.
Let’s start with the most prominent ecological crisis of our time: global warming. When you look seriously at the numbers, you find that switching from a meat-based to a plant-based diet would do more to curb and reverse global warming than any other initiative.
Protein during promotion trumps the carcinogen, regardless of initial exposure.
Americans love to hear good things about their bad habits.
Cows' milk protein may be the single most significant chemical carcinogen to which humans are exposed.