Readers have to be sought out and won to the light of the page, poem by poem, one by one by one.
It is a function of poetry to locate those zones inside us that would be free, and declare them so.
The artistic reward for refuting the received national tradition is liberation. The price is homelessness. Interior exile.
Poetry seems especially like nothing else so much as itself. Poetry is not like, it is the very lining of the inner life.
Almost none of the poetries I admire stick to their labels, native or adopted ones. Rather, they are vagrant in their identifications. Tramp poets, there you go, a new label for those with unstable allegiances.
I am suggesting that the radical of poetry lies not in the resolution of doubts but in their proliferation
I have taught the long poem off and on for years. The more book-length poems I read and studied and taught the more interested I was in the possibilities in writing a poetry that applied formal and substantive options of narrative and non-narrative, lyric and non-lyric. I found many pleasures in this kind of writing. The long poem is as old as the art form.
Poetry is a necessity of life.
Poetry is the language of intensity. Because we are going to die, an expression of intensity is justified.
Everyone in their car needs love.
Uniformity, in its motives, its goals, its far-ranging consequences, is the natural enemy of poetry, not to mention the enemy of trees, the soil, the exemplary life therein.
Poetry takes you into the recesses of the language, the neglected corners, cracks and crannies and to the big sky of wonder. It opens the door to a critique without which you have rather boring analytical tools by comparison. To cultivate poetry means to stay with it. Not to abandon hope, but to abide.