I just think Texas and that whole Bible Belt section is so, like, corporate. And I don't agree with organized religion in that respect.
My first job was a commercial for Ball Park Fun Franks.
I keep getting cast as this bad guy, and I don't know why.
As soon as things become predictable, they become boring.
I want people around me who call me out and hold me accountable.
I like telling stories.
I've never done a blind date but my parents met on a blind date.
People sometimes forget how important Broadway is as a place for young actors to grow.
New York is a character, all on its own, and whenever you film there, it becomes part of the show. That's just the nature of being there.
Maybe I'm a better actor when I know there's going to be an older woman involved.
I'm kind of A.D.D., and so my mind wanders a lot.
The truth is I want to make music that people enjoy.
I started making music for myself when I was sixteen.
I cry at the end of every book.
I've written probably over 200 songs that have a verse and a chorus and that's it.
Ultimately, I'm fine with everything that I've done.
It's funny when I get recognized on the train. People either say ‘I love your show, dude’ or ‘Hey, where do you buy good weed?’
I am such a goody-two-shoes.
My morals are important to me.
I don't even drink coffee.