“Every decision you make in life sends you off down a path that could turn out to be a wrong one. A couple of careless decisions somewhere along the line, that’s all it takes to waste years – but then you can’t creep along being so cautious that you don’t have adventures. It’s difficult to get the balance right”
“Punk’ was the only time I fitted in. Just one tiny sliver of time where it was acceptable to say what you thought.”
“No matter how silly you feel or uncool you look, no matter how small that voice inside you is, that voice telling you something isn’t right: listen to it.”
“I love that forever doesn't exist, but we have a word for it anyway, and use it all the time. It's beautiful and doomed.”
“… maybe you can tell how much pain someone is in by watching them laugh.”
“I love that word. Forever. I love that forever doesn't exist, but we have a word for it anyway, and use it all the time. It's beautiful and doomed.”
“Having periods changed my personality: resentful and angry inside, I felt cheated and knew to the core of my being that life was unfair and boys had it easier than girls. A burning ball of anger and rebelliousness started to grow within me.”