Scarlett: You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless. Rhett: You helpless? (laughs) Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you.
I'm a Scorpio, and Scorpios eat themselves out and burn themselves up like me.
Every single night I'm nervous. You never know how the audience is going to react.
Every single night I'm nervous.
I am going to be a great actress.
People think that if you look fairly reasonable, you can't possibly act, and as I only care about acting, I think beauty can be a great handicap.
Sometimes I dread the truth of the lines I say. But the dread must never show.
On the road, they join the bedraggled remnants of a column of exhausted Confederate soldiers evacuating burning Atlanta. Rhett makes her take note of the scene: "Take a good look, my dear. It's a historic moment. You can tell your grandchildren how you watched the Old South disappear one night."
I realize that the memories I cherish most are not the first night successes, but of simple, everyday things: walking through our garden in the country after rain; sitting outside a cafe in Provence, drinking the vin de pays; staying at a little hotel in an English market town with Larry, in the early days after our marriage, when he was serving in the Fleet Air Arm, and I was touring Scotland, so that we had to make long treks to spend weekends together.
I always know my lines.
Some critics saw fit to say that I was a great actress. I thought that was a foolish, wicket thing to say because it put such an onus and such a responsibility onto me, which I simply wasn't able to carry.
I'm not young. What's wrong with that?
Streetcar is the most wonderful, wonderful play.
Classical plays require more imagination and more general training to be able to do. That's why I like playing Shakespeare better than anything else.