As a teacher, his task was not to make policy but to follow the policy made by the Department.
Earl Lovelace -
I so love you! It is like my heart wants to be one with yours. I feel it melting inside of me, and like sunshine flowing out through cracks and streaming into your heart.
Earl Lovelace
Everybody, he mused had everything worked out. Except me.
Earl Lovelace -
All of it was there but nothing had substance. It was as if they were all shadows, as if her leaving had taken the life out of the living things and left them shadows. he himself was a shadow.he felt no weight in his step, ,no sound to his voice, no solidity to his gestures. he forgot time. he felt the ache of a pain whose depth he could not fathom no whose end anticipate.
Earl Lovelace -
Alford was going to start this fast the same way he had started everything else, alone and uncertain.
Earl Lovelace -
The sun had tanned her so that the rich velvety blackness of her skin glistened and she felt so much herself on those days of Carnival, soaked so deeply with a sense of her own beauty, that after the festival, she continued to keep her hair in the same fashion and wear her skin with the same pride, the result being that men took her for a foreign woman.
Earl Lovelace -
...I saw it clearly. The tragedy of our time is to have lost the ability to feel loss, the inability of power to rise to its responsibility for human decency....I was thinking that if what distinguishes us as humans is our stupidity, what may redeem us is our grace'.
Earl Lovelace -
Then suddenly one day he awake to find that time had gone; the house completed, the imortelle tree cut down, his mother dead.
Earl Lovelace
The praying stopped, and Alford turned from that far near distance and walked out on to the veranda alone, thinking still of that self beyond his reach in a faraway place, as a loss, as something he had been deprived of. But how do you feel the loss of a self that you did not have to lose? How can you lose an Africa you did not know? But that was what he felt: the loss of not having had that loss to lose.
Earl Lovelace -
We are on the verge of listening
Earl Lovelace -
I was thinking that if what distinguishes us as humans is our stupidity, what may redeem us is our grace.
Earl Lovelace -
She recognized that this city was a place that granted you only what you were willing to claim.
Earl Lovelace -
I didn't know where it would lead. I wanted things to develop naturally.
Earl Lovelace