I never do formal interviews. I don't use a tape recorder. I take notes but occasionally.
My fight-or-flight mechanism... had served me well in Gaza, in Afghanistan, and all the places I'd been.
You can read my stuff; there are not very many quotes. It's more impressionistic.
In my writing, I try to combine all my favorite elements of journalism - accuracy, real characters that exist on this planet - with all my favorite elements of literature: a sense of flow, of propulsion, of wanting to read every sentence.
I am guaranteeing you that if you see my byline on a story, it's going to be the cleanest story you've ever read.
Perhaps one could say I've worked in South Africa too long, but I believe in forgiveness, especially when a person admits a mistake, asks for forgiveness, and works to right a wrong.
America might be the land of second chances, but it ain't the land of third chances.
I committed pretty much the worst thing you can do, which is defraud the readers.