The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me.
I'm even flattered! It's what success is like. I'm happy I seem unreal to them, it means I'm doing a good job.
My communication with aliens is not verbal - we speak the language of light.
I’m against feminism. But what would you keep the children for? So they can get you a glass of water when you’re on your deathbed?
This is a fractal pattern from the twenty-first dimension. It took the longest time for the nail artist to get it right. It came to me in a dream.
For a long time I thought I was from Venus. I didn’t remember what happened before Venus because it’s hard to restore the memories of past incarnations on other planets.
This is how they justify not wanting to strive for self-improvement. It's how they explain their continued inaction. It's just an excuse. There are plenty of video clips on the Internet showing what I really look like. Some people even spread rumors about me and retouch my pictures to hurt me. But I don't take them seriously. I'm even flattered! It's what success is like. I'm happy I seem unreal to them, it means I'm doing a good job.
It’s unacceptable to me. The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me. Most people have children to fulfill their own ambitions, not to give anything. They don’t think about what they can give this child, what they can teach her. They just try to shape her according to some weird script — whatever they couldn’t do in life, like becoming a writer or a doctor. Or some woman who’s almost 30 and thinks no one needs her, she says, ‘Oh, I’ll have a kid. He will love me and become my reason to live.’ And then this kid becomes a soccer ball she and her boyfriend will kick back and forth. I’d rather die from torture because the worst thing in the world is to have a family lifestyle.
That’s because of race – mixing. For example, a Russian marries an Armenian. They have a kid, a cute girl, but she has her dad’s nose. She goes and files it down a little, and it’s all good. Ethnicities are mixing now, so there’s degeneration, and it didn’t used to be like that. Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this. I love the Nordic image myself. I have white skin; I am a Nordic type – perhaps a little Eastern Baltic, but closer to Nordic.