Make sure to answer these (3) empowering questions everyday (preferably in writing): Q1-What am I grateful for? Q2-What am I proud of? Q3-What results am I committed to creating today? -> Start now!
Hal Elrod -
Establishing and maintaining clarity for yourself and what you want is the starting point for success. Thus, maintaining extraordinary clarity is necessary to achieve extraordinary success. The problem is that most people maintain a mediocre level of clarity, which inevitably leads to a mediocre level of success.
Hal Elrod
Life isn't about wishing you were somewhere, or someone that you're not. Life is about enjoying where you are, loving who you are and consistently improving both.
Hal Elrod -
Anything you want for your life, if someone else has done, become, or achieved it, use that as evidence that so can you.
Hal Elrod -
When you live with integrity and value your word over your excuses, you have the power to speak your dreams into existence.
Hal Elrod -
Most unsuccessful people let their fears and doubts have the final say in how they live their lives.
Hal Elrod -
Stop thinking... Start doing. Think less... Do more. Do the thing... And you will know the way.
Hal Elrod -
To reach levels of success you've never reached before, you must be committed at a level you've never been committed at before.
Hal Elrod
Most of us are so busy trying to manage, maintain, or even just survive our life situation, that we don't make time to focus on what's most important - our LIFE.
Hal Elrod -
Watch out world, we're here to change ya!
Hal Elrod -
#HatersGonnaHate but thankfully #LoversGonnaLove.
Hal Elrod -
Wake up early everyday so that while others are still dreaming, you can make your dreams come true.
Hal Elrod -
You can't change the past but you can change everything else. Take your first step toward making a significant change in your life, today.
Hal Elrod -
To become a champion, you must first think like a champion, and the best way to think like a champion is start talking like a champion. So start talking today like the champion you could be, and your thoughts and actions will follow.
Hal Elrod
Never let the limitations or insecurities of others limit what is possible for you.
Hal Elrod -
Know that TODAY, and each and everyday literally becomes the BEST day of your life, when YOU choose to see that it is. It doesn't matter what's going on around you, it only matters what's going on inside of you.
Hal Elrod -
Focus on who you are becoming not what you are doing
Hal Elrod -
Those who only do what they feel like, don't do much. To be successful at anything you must take action even when you don't feel like it, knowing it is the action itself that will produce the motivation you need to follow through.
Hal Elrod -
Give yourself permission to be happy. It doesn't matter what's going on around you, what matters is what's going on inside you.
Hal Elrod -
Even when life is difficult or challenging-especially when life is difficult and challenging-the present is always an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and become better than we've ever been before.
Hal Elrod
Anything you want for life is available to you, the universe is just waiting for you to take the necessary action(s) before it gives you what you want.
Hal Elrod -
Unfortunately the ppl who would do the most good w/ a large sum of $ are often the same ppl who have the biggest hang ups about making $.
Hal Elrod -
If you want to upgrade your circle of influence, it begins with upgrading yourself.
Hal Elrod -
It is often said that everything happens for a reason, but you must embrace the perspective that it's never a reason that is predetermined or out of your control. It is always your responsibility to choose the most empowering reasons for the occurrences of your life.
Hal Elrod