Another thing I liked about my Dad at church: he did his sleeping at home. He never used the church as an adult nursery.
Vance Havner -
It is a matter of whether one wants to get rich or be rich. We can be rich in Christ Jesus or perhaps get rich in Egypt, but we cannot do both.
Vance Havner
Most people would not want to live where there are no churches but many people live as though there were no churches.
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The church is so subnormal that if it ever got back to the New Testament normal it would seem to people to be abnormal.
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God judges what we tolerate as well as what we practice. Too often we put up with things we ought to put out.
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Salt seasons, purifies, preserves. But somebody ought to remind us that salt also irritates. Real living Christianity rubs this world the wrong way.
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If the devil cannot keep you from being saved, if next he fails to make you backslide, then he undertakes to keep you just an average Christian. Here he succeeds with most believers.
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Satan is not fighting churches; he is joining them. He does more harm by sowing tares than by pulling up wheat. He accomplishes more by imitation than by outright opposition.
Vance Havner
I'm convinced that a large percentage of people that we call worldly Christians are perhaps not Christian to begin with and that may be the trouble.
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We must live in all kinds of days, both high days and low days, in simple dependence upon Christ as the branch on the vine. This is the supreme experience
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When we are weakest and most despondent, Jesus is most considerate. When there is a break in our progress or we have a spell of depression, he sees the whole of our lives and in the light of that He is longsuffering with discordant details.
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I suspect that much of our praying to be used is selfish, and underneath it is the sneaking desire to make our mark and be recognized.
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I know that some are always studying the meaning of the fourth toe of the right foot of some beast in prophecy and have never used either foot to go and bring men to Christ. I do not know who the 666 is in Revelation but I know the world is sick, sick, sick and the best way to speed the Lord's return is to win more souls for Him.
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When we sin, we are often upset, not because we have grieved the Spirit but because our pride has been injured.
Vance Havner
Some missionaries bound for Africa were laughed at by the boat captain. 'You'll only die over there,' he said. But a missionary replied, 'Captain, we died before we started.'
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Life is like a grain of wheat: to plant it is to recognize its value; to keep it is to destroy its value. The 'planted' Christian counts life dear not unto himself but unto God.
Vance Havner -
When God's people are removed from this earth, you might as well try to dam up Niagara Falls with toothpicks as to stem the flood of lawlessness that will engulf mankind. Thank God for the restraining Spirit today!
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Adam tried to hide behind the trees in the garden. There is only one tree that can hide us from Him and that is the tree of the cross.
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Plenty of church members are shaky about what they believe, while not many are shaken by what they believe.
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The preacher who jests and jokes with his people all week will soon find that he cannot stand in his pulpit on Sunday with power to reprove, rebuke and exhort. He may be the life of the party but it will be the death of the prophet.
Vance Havner
What our Lord said about cross-bearing and obedience is not in fine type. It is in bold print on the face of the contract.
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We have suffered from the preaching of cheap grace. Grace is free, but it is not cheap. People will take anything that is free, but they are not interested in discipleship. They will take Christ as Savior but not as Lord.
Vance Havner -
Before we can strengthen believers or win the lost, we must be converted from the self-life to the Christ-life. . . "Not I, but Christ."
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No man can be a Christian by knowingly and willfully taking Christ on the installment plan, as Savior now, and Lord later.
Vance Havner