It is not good enough for things to be planned - they still have to be done; for the intention to become a reality, energy has to be launched into operation.
Every burden is a blessing.
We have met the enemy and he is us.
Women aren't as mere as they used to be.
Don't take life so serious, son, it ain't nohow permanent.
The best break anybody ever gets is in bein' alive in the first place. An' you don't unnerstan' what a perfect deal it is until you realizes that you ain't gone be stuck with it forever, either.
Foo, a beautiful gal wastes her time gracin' up this swamp.
Some is more equal than others, as is well known. It ain't that your majority is outnumbered, you're just out-surrounded.
I'll tell you, son, the minority got us out-numbered!
(After Pogo says, Eventual Porky, I figger ev'ry critter's heart's in the right place., Porky responds:) If you gotta be wrong 'bout somthin', that's 'bout the best thing they is to be wrong 'bout.
In like a dimwit, out like a light.
We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities.
The natural born reason we didn't git no yew-ranium when we crosses the li'l yew tree and the gee-ranium is on account of cause we didn't have no geiger counter.
So we got fifty percent. Babe Ruth didn't do no better. - Did you mean hittin' it... or throwin' it?
I been readin' 'bout how maybe they is planets peopled by folks with ad-vanced brains. On the other hand, maybe we got the most brains...maybe our intellects is the universe's most ad-vanced. Either way, it's a mighty soberin' thought.
Y'see, when you start to lick a national problem you have to go after the fundamentables. You want to cut down air pollution? Cut down the original source... Breathin!
Eventually every man gotta face the problem of tryin' to figger if it’s worthwhile to prove that he is himself.
Ever since I heard you is got a million dollars I notice you is fraught with perspicacity.
Is we runnin' TO it or FROM it?
Halp! My powerful brain is blowed itself up!