a disgusting assault on the very principle of European democracy.
Jack Straw -
The fact that some of these Arab states are willing to make this public is heartening, and it's a fair response to the Sharon government for the courage which the Sharon government has shown in moving out of Gaza and those four West Bank settlements.
Jack Straw
We put forth proposals. They are still on the table, ... They have yet properly to be considered by the other side.
Jack Straw -
We are all agreed that it is extremely important that as quickly as possible there is a broad-based multi-ethnic civil administration in Afghanistan.
Jack Straw -
In uncertain times you should not just give a knee-jerk response.
Jack Straw -
very distinguished and experienced internationally. If his appointment is confirmed we look forward to working with him.
Jack Straw -
We look to the Iranian government to sit down with us, hear what we have to say and take action where appropriate.
Jack Straw -
Frankly I'm not holding my breath for any confessional statement from Saddam Hussein.
Jack Straw
This is a truly historic day for Europe and for the whole of the international community.
Jack Straw -
It will take some time before a fully-fledged government, equivalent to that of a normal nation state, can be established ... The signs are, however, more hopeful than they were.
Jack Straw -
That frankly was not in people's minds because there is a world market in oil.
Jack Straw -
I am in no doubt at all that our policy of engagements with the government of Iran ... is the best approach,
Jack Straw -
Let no one be in any doubt that this is a profoundly evil trade whose perpetrators have no regard for human life, ... We have been determined to crack down on this trade.
Jack Straw -
those misgivings were surely put to rest by the lengthy statement we have just heard.
Jack Straw
This is a negotiation. Our aim was to listen.
Jack Straw -
I cannot say whether in the middle of December we will or will not reach a deal, but it certainly will not be for want of trying.
Jack Straw -
We agreed that it is not possible for ministers to order the judiciary around.
Jack Straw -
I say this on behalf of the EU3 (Britain, France and Germany): We do not wish to see Iran referred to the Security Council.
Jack Straw -
Nothing would please me more than if they were released in the next few days, but I don't want to raise the hopes of people detained.
Jack Straw -
We had a very thorough exchange of the different positions of the EU-3 and the new government of Iran.
Jack Straw
It's a self-evident truth that if we're able to get a broad consensus with Russia and China, it strengthens the international community's hand with the Iranians on this dossier,
Jack Straw -
Life would be very boring if friends always agreed.
Jack Straw -
Because we want international consensus...we will be allowing a good period of up to two weeks, maybe a little more, before we ask for a decision.
Jack Straw -
The situation is very serious, there has been a clear abuse of human rights, a lack of democracy and a lack of openness.
Jack Straw