So far there is no evidence of any transfer of the virus to human beings.
Jack Straw -
It is not on the agenda, I happen to think that it is inconceivable.
Jack Straw
We will take stock of our next steps after the Israeli elections and intend to have a further meeting as soon as the Palestinian delegates are allowed to travel.
Jack Straw -
We believe the public will be better served if such warnings are used more sparingly.
Jack Straw -
I think it is completely unacceptable for someone like Christopher Meyer to break trust in the way that he has done,
Jack Straw -
We should take stock of Iran and discuss how we might best pursue the nuclear file over the coming weeks.
Jack Straw -
I profoundly regret the circumstances in which we had to hold this meeting.
Jack Straw -
There will have to be some way to ensure accountability for what has already been found here.
Jack Straw
This is about the whole of the international community, there is a board of the International Atomic Energy Agency where it has decided on seven successive occasions unanimously that Iran must bring itself in to full compliance with its own obligations, which have been there for years and years, for complete transparency under the Non Proliferation Treaty.
Jack Straw -
We left the door open for further diplomatic action with Iran. And I hope they take this opportunity.
Jack Straw -
I also want to put on record the very high regard which the British government as a whole, and I personally, have for Kofi Annan, in leading and steering the United Nations through a period of great change in international relations.
Jack Straw -
We made some progress in respect of draft texts but obviously not sufficient progress.
Jack Straw -
It is our decision as to whether or not we move a second resolution.
Jack Straw -
Saddam's removal is necessary to eradicate the threat from his weapons of mass destruction.
Jack Straw
In this country we have a very clear tradition by which people are fully entitled to engage in all kinds of peaceful, sometimes very noisy, protest,
Jack Straw -
But members of the public are bound to be concerned and their concerns can be allayed if they are shown that every effort is being made by the European Union and by member states effectively to coordinate action.
Jack Straw -
putting the government of Syria on notice that our patience has limits.
Jack Straw -
It needs to be resolved by all facilities available to the international community, that is what we have been working on and continue to work on.
Jack Straw -
In respect to Iraq, Saddam is defying every one of us, ... He questions our resolve and is gambling we will lose nerve rather than enforce our will.
Jack Straw -
We can't be sure there will be free and fair elections.
Jack Straw
If our rebate is an anomaly than it is based on another anomaly.
Jack Straw -
No one is talking about invading Iran or taking military action against Iran.
Jack Straw -
We do have, I think, a right to say that we've got to be able to deal Mr A, or Mr B, or Mr C. We can't deal with Mr Nobody. And that's the problem, OK?
Jack Straw -
to discuss wording and take on board constructive suggestions as to how the process set out in the draft resolution could be improved, and that is exactly what we are doing.
Jack Straw