Back in the 1960s, the number of deaths each year from unintentional poisoning was 15 times greater than it is today.
The penalty process is just one piece of the process by which we keep families safe, ... The idea is not just to penalize, but to publicize those penalties to serve as a deterrent to those companies that might not meet safety standards or constitute substantial product hazards.
Companies need to understand that the quicker they report product safety problems to CPSC, the quicker we can take action together and protect consumers from injuries.
We want to see a revised standard that narrows that opening and makes it more difficult for kids to get their fingers caught.
We've made our list and want consumers to check it twice, ... Preventing needles tragedies and providing a safe environment are the best holiday gifts parents can provide their children.
The good news is that parents can help significantly reduce deaths and injuries to children by taking simple safety precautions such as making sure their kids wear helmets, ride only on smooth surfaces and avoid riding at night.
The recent penalties levied by CPSC send a strong message that failing to report potential hazards is illegal.
We have a guideline that requires this rung to be at least 9 1/2 inches wide.
Nobody has been killed or seriously injured yet, but that's the reason we're doing the recall to make sure that doesn't happen, ... Any recall we do we would like to do it before anybody gets seriously injured, that's the goal.
We need to promote more international harmonization of the standards on product safety.
Carbon monoxide is an invisible killer, odorless and colorless. Keep generators a safe distance from your home, away from open doors, windows and vents. Don't take a chance.
They're going to fall off of playground equipment no matter what the circumstances.
We haven't had any fatalities with this particular product, ... But whenever we see broken limbs, particularly when it's in a situation where it's your bed, it's a very serious problem.
I find it hard to believe that the commission will be able to continue to fully serve its mission in the face of such budget cuts.