Solving problems is at the foundation of our survival.
You can live each day in a world filled with 'problems,' or rise each morning and embrace a world filled with unseen solutions...eager for you to find them. The decision is yours...both worlds exist. The one you choose is the one you will create.
I grew up in the Midwest and had a lot of exposure to big religion. I went to church every Sunday - my mother even sang in the choir - and most families I knew where practicing Christians.
I really want to do a True Blood-Six Feet Under comic book crossover.
When I approached Volume 1 of "Lucid," I realized I could tell something that only exists in four issues or I could roll the dice a bit and approach this as Season 1 of a TV show.
For every problem, there exists a solution...and at the very least...an opportunity.
Today's gratitude buys tomorrows happiness.
You can't start the next chapter of your life
I'm sort of killing two birds with one stone here, getting to write for "True Blood" and being able to put myself in a comic at the same time.
One of the greatest things about playing a villain is people wondering when he's going to make his comeback.
What you believe and focus on becomes your reality.