Party system will bring out the worst in people and political party leader's will bring out ultimate backwardness in people.
When the last thousand years, when India lived a life of shame, humiliation and stagnation, other parts of the world experienced not less than three revolutions, making three successive stages of human progress. India also must make that experience, if she is to come abreast with the advanced members of the human family. Should that take a thousand years, others would, during that time, march much farther ahead, and the process of human progress accelerates in proportion to its advance. So in order to catch up with the time lost, India must live in a few years the life lived by others over a period of thousand years.
Man is apart of society. Society is a part of nature and the animate nature is the part of the physical universe. Therefore no political practice can guarantee ultimate success unless it is guided by fundamental philosophical principles.
A free society can be created only by free men….a good society can be created only by good men.
Freedom, knowledge, truth are values to be appreciated together by living them.
Science is the result of and the instrument for acquiring more and more knowledge, which enable man to outgrow progressively the limitations set to the development of his mind and spirit by old ideas, ideals and notions which resulted from the primitive ignorance of humanity in its infancy.
Man is essentially a rational being. His basic urge is not to believe, but to question, to know.
Man, the creator of machines, is greater than the means of production. Man did not emerge from the process of evolution with the hammer, but with a distinctive brain. The human brain, itself a kind of “means of production” is more powerful than the most powerful machine.
Our object is the economic freedom of the producing classes; this ultimate goal will be attained after a long and bitter struggle; therefore, our primary task is to organize the masses and lead them in the struggle for economic freedom.
The renaissance is a rebirth of man. Man must remember that everything that exists in society was created by men who preceded him , and it was created for the progress and happiness of mankind. Confronted with social institutions or political organisations which are antagonistic to the progress and happiness of mankind, which bind men instead of liberation them, man must feel the necessity of breaking those bonds, so that he can make further progress. But in order to have the confident that he can do that man must remember himself. That is the rebirth of man as man. Men have been either slaves of gods or the servants of kings or of best devotees of some religion. But man must be man for himself, if he wants to work his own salvation.