Anything that you as an actor can change about yourself for a part is helpful.
I'm doing a record that has a story that runs through all of the songs, and then there is also a film that goes along with it.
All these directors who do different locations forget that one room can be shot from a million different angles and a million different ways. When I direct a movie, I'm going to use that.
I was about to move out of my apartment because I was so broke. I'd sort of made a pact with myself that I wouldn't take a job unless it was interesting to me, and I became broke very fast.
I think Van Sant is the most important American director we have. He takes the most risks. He's just pure to me.
Well, the first thing I wanted to be was a carpenter. Then I wanted to be a painter and then a singer. It was when I first saw 'Lawrence of Arabia' that I wanted to be an actor.
If I'm able to catch the screening, there's a point in the film where, like clockwork, a portion of the audience gets really emotional and begins to cry. And that's very difficult to make happen.
I don't have a lot of time to surf the net and see what everyone's wearing.
I've worked with a lot great directors who have huge resumes, but I'm really trying to be active in my career in supporting the new generation of cinema. I like taking some time to try to support and be a part of that.
I'm always trying to work on scripts. I'm pretty selective. Sometimes maybe too much because I'm broke .
When actors give their input, it can be very ego-driven, and directors are scared of that.
I think that it's important not to take acting too seriously. It's all pretend. It's a strange job.
So many of us have our asses watching stupid reality shows, desensitizing our brains. Like, "Wow, isn't that dumb, but I'm so entertained right now! That's the stupidest thing I've seen in my life - give me more of it!" You know what I'm talking about. I turn on the television and I'm like, "This is so bad, but I cannot get my fucking eyes off of it." It's not good.
A kid now can practically record a song or edit a short film on his way to school. I think that will produce, perhaps, more less-interesting things - or you'll have to search more to find the interesting things. But I also think it's exciting.
I think my audience is smart. If there's a way to be entertained and get things out - real things, not stupid moral crap - that's the best.
I don't really even know what Twitter is. I know that might sound wierd to some people. I don't use social media. I make music, so I use social media... it's more helpful for me when I'm making music than as an actor.
I'm not really equipped to do anything else but making movies. In every other aspect of my life I'm a total failure.
I think in some ways you learn more from the things you don't like than the things you do.
Personally, I'm very classic. If I'm going to wear a suit, it's going to be classic, black, and fit very well. There's nothing like it.
There are two kinds of directors: There's the kind where two plus two equals four, and you have to help them figure it out. And then there's the kind that throws you in a room, locks the door, sets the house on fire and films it.
From where I started to where I'm at right now I'm loaded in retrospect to the opportunities that I have. As far as money and the scheme of the world, I don't cash in. I do films because I'm sensitive and maybe stupid, and that I feel like I'm going to have fun on and feel like I'm going to have a good experience with. It's not about punching in and selling soap.
There are directors who, their direction is high, but then when you challenge it, it crumbles. They can't back up what they're asking.
If a religious person says "No, no, no" and they won't listen to science, it makes me think that they don't have faith in their own religion.
Some directors are very free and some directors are very specific. It seemed like doing a play.