With the second record (2012's Anxiety), I was quite jaded, and exhausted, and tired. With this third record, I feel that I've come full circle. I had gotten to the absolute pinnacle of how bad someone could feel.
Ladyhawke -
I wear non-gender-specific clothes. I just look silly in girls' clothes. I'm quite tall, and they're never the right cut for me - T-shirts and stuff are always too low-cut or too short. I've worn boys' clothes forever because girls' stuff never felt right for me.
When I say “when you’re always almost lonely, you forget to take it slowly,” I mean that you don’t always take care of yourself.
Ladyhawke -
I'm just a small-town New Zealand girl. But, I do think it was incredibly necessary for me. Wild Things wouldn't exist if I hadn't have made some dramatic changes and that all happened in LA.
Ladyhawke -
I got to a happier point and then started making a record [Wild Things]. I don't mind at all that it sounds like LA, because LA was integral to me feeling better. Seeing the sunshine and all that other sorts of stuff was definitely a huge part in why the album sounds like it sounds.
Ladyhawke -
I think love is one that can definitely make you go crazy, and it's almost like love can induce mental illness in a lot of people, or bring it out worse. It makes people make crazy decisions.
Ladyhawke -
You can't always be like 'sunshine and roses'. I like a little bit of darkness.
Ladyhawke -
It's amazing. Being clearheaded for a show, for starters. Not being reflux-y because of the amount of beer you've drunk.
I always make music that's reflective of the mindset I'm in at the time, and how I'm feeling.
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I'm still always a country girl from New Zealand.
Ladyhawke -
It's crazy in just the difference it makes turning up to sound check without a hangover.
Ladyhawke -
I'm more of a whiz on the guitar and drums. I hear certain sounds in my head, and I find it easy to translate them into synth sounds, but I'm not really technically-minded.
Ladyhawke -
I would be happier if it were a full audience full of drag queens. It would be my dreams come true.
Ladyhawke -
Since I've stopped drinking I'm way better at singing. I can project my voice better. I can actually walk on stage and make eye contact with the audience, which I never used to know how to do in the past. So, it's made a huge difference for me.