The time has come when the whole world must be concerned about me. From now on, American Christianity must follow me.
Sun Myung Moon -
Up until today evil has lured goodness into evil, but goodness has not been able to lure evil into goodness. This may be the reason why up to today Christianity has not been able to boldly fulfill the Will of God.
Sun Myung Moon
Anyone can keep going in an easy situation, but do you have a philosophy which can enable you to meet the worst hardship?
Sun Myung Moon -
I can understand why Christians call us heretics. But most important, who will God call a heretic? From God's point of view, my revelation is deeply orthodox.
Sun Myung Moon -
If the world had attended me after World War II, it would have been united within seven years, and there would have been no suffering of the Unification Church and no damage to the democratic world.
Sun Myung Moon -
A member must say that he is a member of the Unification Church and that he is the follower of Sun Myung Moon. If he doesn't have the courage to say it, he is not worthy of me.
Sun Myung Moon -
If there is illness in your home, do you not need a doctor from outside? If your home catches on fire, do you not need fire fighters from outside? God has sent me to America in the role of a doctor, in the role of a fire fighter.
Sun Myung Moon -
We leaders should leave the tradition that we have become crazy for God.
Sun Myung Moon
Communism is trying to take the world by force. But God will take the world by love.
Sun Myung Moon -
Looking at the Moonies from the normal, common-sense point of view, we certainly appear to be a bunch of crazy people!
Sun Myung Moon -
A God who fits within the confines of our conception is useless. God cannot be comprehended by man's conception or logic. God is an eternal being who transcends the framework of man's limited logic.
Sun Myung Moon -
God wants a love partner, centering on the place where husband and wife become one through their sexual organs, God wants to appear and meet us...I wish you would center on the absolute sexual organ, unique sexual organ, unchanging sexual organ and eternal sexual organ and use this as your foundation to pursue God...We have to realize that the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven will begin on this foundation.
Sun Myung Moon -
The democratic world has come to a dead end; likewise, the communist world has come to a dead end. But the Unification Church is just beginning!
Sun Myung Moon -
If you convey God's words to someone only with the intention to utilize him in some way, you will never be able to establish the standard of the "Way." Give what you have to others with your sincere heart.
Sun Myung Moon
In a way then, the Divine Principle, this new revelation, is the documentary of my life. It is my own life experience. The Divine Principle is in me, and I am in the Divine Principle.
Sun Myung Moon -
If you refrain from judging your worst enemy, his children will come to your side. What more severe judgment could come upon an enemy than this?
Sun Myung Moon -
Don't live your life as though you were measuring it with a ruler.
Sun Myung Moon -
The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the world.
Sun Myung Moon -
God's dream still remains unfulfilled. It was not fulfilled 2,000 years ago, or in the home of any religious leader or any American home, and today the Unification Church is here to pledge to fulfill that dream. We don't want to confine that fulfillment to our Church, but to expand it all over the world. Wouldn't that be the Kingdom of God on earth?
Sun Myung Moon -
Remember that the Unification Church rose, not in freedom, but from a prison, the pit of suffering.
Sun Myung Moon
Let's say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state. Then we could control the government.
Sun Myung Moon -
Before children, even the most cynical people throw down their usual masks and become capable of feeling the purity and love which all human beings seek.
Sun Myung Moon -
In my opinion, if we have not achieved peace, it is because people forget its most fundamental aspect. Before we talk about peace among nations, we must settle our peace with God.
Sun Myung Moon -
I created the Women's Federation for World Peace in order to restore all that woman originally lost. You American women don't need a man in the position of grandfather, parents, husband, elder or younger brother. You only need the true Adam.
Sun Myung Moon