A story is told as much by silence as by speech.
Susan Griffin -
But still, the other voice, the intuitive, returns, like grass forcing its way through concrete.
Susan Griffin
We keep secrets from ourselves that all along we know.
Susan Griffin -
Far more frightening than the thought of dying was the experience of erasure already occurring in my life. My fear of becoming someone who did not count.
Susan Griffin -
Philosophy means nothing unless it is connected to birth, death, and the continuance of life. Anytime you are going to build a society that works, you have to begin from nature and the body.
Susan Griffin -
Even in the grimmest of circumstances, a shift in perspective can create startling change.
Susan Griffin -
We are nature. We are nature seeing nature. We are nature with a concept of nature. Nature weeping. Nature speaking of nature to nature.
Susan Griffin -
It is a grief over the fate of the Earth that contains within it a joyful hope, that we might reclaim this Earth.
Susan Griffin