Ransom Riggs Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Sometimes you've got to know when it's time to leave the party.
Girls pour their insecurities into their looks.
I was a mixture of a country boy and a town boy, really. Chichester is a town on the coast of England, and I grew up all along that strip of coast that Chichester branches out into. Sometimes I was living in a house in the country, and sometimes I was living in a town.
Sometimes, it's good to stick to your guns.
I love Jet Li, but he looks very Chinese, and his English is Chinese-accented. He wouldn't have been the right guy to play a Japanese-American.
It's a sad commentary when I have to say that sometimes in our country we are real sensitive to race.
Sometimes one has to take on responsibilities that weren't those one imagined.
Fear can make all of us do the wrong things sometimes.
Sometimes you do get caught up in the midst of becoming... a product, a brand, and not having a say in any of that.
One sometimes says: 'He killed himself because he was bored with life.' One ought rather to say: 'He killed himself because he was bored by lack of life.'
I like to think I'm a bit smarter than I sometimes let on.
There is an element of luck, there is an element of trial and error, sometimes you fail, sometimes you succeed. It's not as beautifully simple as it may seem when we are talking about it.
Sometimes a faint voice based on instinct resonates far more strongly than overpowering logic.
I believe sometimes we aren't always in charge of everything that we do creatively. We submit to things as we're going on our own journey.
I'd like to look like Madonna when I'm her age. I also look at athletes and love their bodies. I've always wanted to be muscly, not skinny. A lot of women yo-yo around, but I'm always aware if I'm getting a bit out of shape. I never look at the scales but I can just tell. It goes on my tum and bum.
Sometimes, especially in the last six months, I still feel like going to the window and singing out all my troubles.
John's time and effort were, in the main, spent on pretty honorable stuff. As for the other side, well, nobody's perfect, nobody's Jesus. And look what they did to him.
My parents played bridge, and I remember being fascinated watching them. I sometimes got a chance to sit in on a hand, which I loved. But then I didn't actually play on my own for about 30 years.
I'm hyped up when I'm working. Some people eat when they're hyped up and some people don't. I'm the 'don't.
Somehow love gives even to a dull man the knowledge of his lover's heart.
The man who actually knows just what he wants in life has already gone a long way toward attaining it.
When we are filled with the Spirit of God, we are filled with joy, with peace and with happiness no matter what our circumstances may be; for it is a spirit of cheerfulness and of happiness.
Sometimes it's better not to look back.