How to get over the river was the bother. At last, after thinking a heap about it, I came to the conclusion that I always did: that the boldest plan is the best and safest.
I have never insulted man or woman in my life, but if you knew what a wholesome regard I have for damn liars and rascals, they would be liable to keep out of my way.
I have quit chewing tobacco and don't touch any lager beer, and I don't speak to the girls at all. I am getting to be a perfect hermit; my fiddle, my dog, and my gun I almost worship.
Can you let me go to hell the way I want to?
When the war closed, I buried the hatchet, and I won't fight now unless I'm put upon.
This circus that's advertised to show and furnish a little amusement for us heathens is owned by a woman, one whose pluck catches my sympathy every time.
I never, in all my life, took any mean advantage of an enemy.
There has been two awful fights in town this week. You don't know anything about such fighting at home as I speak of; this is no place for women and children, yet, although they all say it is so quiet here... if a man fights in Kansas and gets whipped, he never says anything more about it. If he does, he will get whipped for his trouble.