Terence McKenna (Terence Kemp McKenna) Quotes
The main thing to understand is that we are imprisoned in some kind of work of art.
Terence McKenna
Quotes to Explore
We are, in fact, hyper-dimentional objects of some sort which cast a shadow into matter, and the shadow in matter is the body. And at death, what happens basically, is that the shadow withdraws, or the thing which cast the shadow withdraws, and metabolism ceases, and matter which had been organized into a dissipative structure in a very localized area, sustaining itself against entropy by cycling material in and degrading it and expelling it, that whole phenomenon ceases, but the thing which ordered it is not affected by that.
Terence McKenna
No more do we create cultural artifacts that are simply our furniture, but now it's our thoughts, our values, are embodied in this digital stuff.
Terence McKenna
That's what a god is. Somebody who knows more than you do about whatever you're dealing with.
Terence McKenna
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.
Terence McKenna
The tension in the world is the tension between the ego and the feminine, not between the masculine and the feminine.
Terence McKenna
Reality is, you know, the tip of an iceberg of irrationality that we've managed to drag ourselves up onto for a few panting moments before we slip back into the sea of the unreal.
Terence McKenna
Capitalism is going to deal itself out of existence, but before it does that, you're gonna pay $50 for a latte, because inflation is going impoverish all of us before people get pissed off enough to realize that all of the last hundred years of economic progress was actually a shell game to create billionaires, while the great masses of people saw their standard of living eroded and destroyed.
Terence McKenna
Inside the boundaries of the old paradigm there's no hope, there's no way out of the box of capitalism, monogamy, consumer fetishism, egoism, money worship, no way out. No way. No way out!
Terence McKenna
Language betrays, in order to mean.
Terence McKenna
All psychedelic explorers should be aware of the concept of what is called a cognitive hallucination. The is a much more insidious phenomenon. This is, quite simply, an out-and-out delusion.
Terence McKenna
The surface of things is not where attention should rest.
Terence McKenna
Buddhism is a heresy on Hinduism. It was Hinduism that did the dirty work for Buddhism, by the time Buddha came along priest-craft was an ancient tradition in India.
Terence McKenna