I believe in true love. But I am easily satisfied.
We cannot choose one desktop over the other - Gnome or KDE - because there's users for both code bases.
We could refresh the look and feel of the entire desktop.
Not to go too far, but Microsoft is probably used by most people out there
Every piece of software written today is likely going to infringe on someone else's patent.
When it comes to .NET they've done a really outstanding job.
The software patent problem is not limited to Mono. Software patents affect everyone writing software today.
Our strategy in dealing with patents in Mono is the same strategy that any other software developer would take. In the event of a patent claim, we will try to find prior art to the claim of the patent.
With .NET once an API is published it's available to all programming languages at the same time.
Some scientists use TeX or LatEX but for most people Word is the thing that writers use these days.
So if we're going to build new applications that require a large time investment, like say movie editing - today that doesn't matter for the enterprise desktop, but eventually it will when we get closer to consumers - you really need to have a cross-platform story.