Republicans have come up to me to say, 'Hey listen. My knee hurts. What do you think I should do?' I'll give them my recommendations.
If our men and women in uniform are restricted from buying first-class airfare, the same should apply to Congress.
It's wrong that members of Congress can purchase luxury airfare with taxpayer money when many families in my district and across the county are struggling to make ends meet.
I'm not against speaking publicly and having passion for something. One of the cardinal beauties of America is that we have the freedom to do so.
I think the personal satisfaction of doing good in the community and increasing value and holding true to the Hippocratic oath and being able to provide services to those that are in need is very strong moral reason to provide services for the underserved.
I'm a doctor; we work in teams. I'm very committed to problem solving.
The measurement of good policy is the well-being of the community. I saw the human faces of failed policies, and they weren't smiling.
When I graduated, I was told I was the first Latino to have three graduate degrees from Harvard. And Harvard does something amazing to you. It opens the doors to the world.