I enjoy writing and promoting my books. I enjoy the feedback. But all this is because I don't depend on it commercially. I don't need that money. I have a career.
In India, we don't read thrillers; we read authors.
If you have sold the film rights to somebody, take your money and leave. If the producers need you, they will call you. But you have to be careful about who you are selling your book to, and ensure that it is not tampered with.
If evil wins in a Bollywood film, it is bound to flop. A lot of people here want to change society, so they like to read about it being changed. And that means good usually triumphs.
A self-confessed fan of Harlan Coben, I find it difficult to not read a new Harlan Coben novel the week it comes out.
A thriller needs to hold the interest of the reader from the very beginning. It needs to engage with them, hold them in rapt attention, and prevent them from putting down the book.
I firmly believe that there is no better thriller writer than Harlan Coben.
One can become drab, dull, and boring doing the same thing every day. Writing helps break the monotony.
To make time for writing, one has to take time out from somewhere. Obviously, a fair amount of time that you spend with the family gets compromised. But my family has been very understanding and supportive.
An author needs to be in the market. He or she needs to come out with a new book every year. That keeps you alive in the public mind and gives a push to your older books.
I'm probably one of the few authors in this country who could very comfortably live off my writing.
I've always wanted to write, but coming from a small-town background - I was born and brought up in Ludhiana - you think you're not the kind of literary person who will write books that will sell. There was always a kind of defensiveness in me.
The first draft is usually junk. You have to work on it seven to eight times.
The opportunity to create wealth in foreign banks exists only in the investment banking space. Working in a local company teaches you to think long term.
In Indian companies, people aren't too worried about the pace of growth as long as you're setting up a business which will survive for years.
I find writing to be a great stress-buster.
I had, at a point in time, decided not to write on the corporate world. But if people expect me to set stories in a work environment, then why go away from it?
If I did not have a de-stresser such as writing novels, I would lose focus at work.