Hindi writing, as well as Hindi journalism, is a great gift to Indian writing.
Criticism is, or ought to be, a judicious act.
My past makes me an insider, but my profession makes me an outsider. A writer always stands outside to report on reality.
Imagination makes us shape better stories, sure, but it also allows us to multiply possibilities.
I enjoy the inventive ways in which language is manipulated to make meaning.
No civilization has a monopoly on tolerance; each is capable of bigotry.
I don't think any writer is a friend to the reader if he or she is not funny.
Neither the writer nor the reader can save the world by themselves. Or escape it entirely.
The writer will write in his or her words, but the readers, even when they are not reading you, will take it elsewhere entirely.
For some members of the radical Left, particularly in the West, people in developing countries are an ideological abstraction, on whom fantasies of liberation are projected from a comfortable distance.