I know I speak for the Bishop when I tell you how sorry I am for all the pain you have suffered in your life.
For the entire state of Georgia, having the premiere of Gone With the Wind on home ground was like winning the Battle of Atlanta 75 years late.
Now that this issue is being made public, you are suffering the same pain all over again.
The current Legislature has determined that HB 616 (the new law) provides each community with sufficient funds to provide a constitutionally adequate education.
The best fiction is often how we interpret our own lives and what we see as our common due. It is created usually as a means of avoiding reality which, if seriously considered, might negate our ability to strive for what might seem impossible.
Popularity for a King is much more important among those he does not know than among those he does.
Mr. Crafts' report was nothing but an accounting exercise. It doesn't show anything about proportionality or uniformity of the property tax system in New Hampshire.
She claimed she loved the camera, its warmth, its familiarity. She responded to its naked glare, its slavish attention to every expression of her face and body, with the kind of immediacy a trusted lover could expect.