America's support for human rights and democracy is our noblest export to the world.
All real education is the architecture of the soul.
The formation of character in young people is educationally a different task from, and a prior task to, the discussion of the great, difficult, ethical controversies of the day. First things first. And planting the ideas of virtue, of good traits in the young, comes first. In the moral life, as in life itself, we take one step at a time. Every field has its complexities and controversies. And so does ethics. And every field has its basics. So too with values.
Have we come to the point where it is now considered a secular blasphemy to acknowledge the name of God at all?
Responsible persons are mature people who have taken charge of themselves and their conduct, who own their actions and own up to them--who answer for them.
Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms.
Nothing in recent years, on television or anywhere else, has improved on a good story that begins "Once upon a time..."
I can only speak about my own commute and can say that it has certainly affected my commute, making it longer and more hectic.
If we are surrounded by the trivial and the vicious, it is all too easy to make our peace with it.
Too much of anything, even a good thing, may prove to be our undoing...[We] need ...to set definite boundaries on our appetites.
The formation of character in young people is educationally a different task from and a prior task to, the discussion of the great, difficult ethical controversies of the day.
"Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age. It does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself. The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for?
People of good character are not all going to come down on the same side of difficult political and social issues. Good people - people of character and moral literacy - can be conservative, and good people can be liberal. We must not permit our disputes over thorny political questions to obscure the obligation we have to offer instruction to all our young people in the area in which we have, as a society, reached a consensus: namely, on the importance of good character, and some of its pervasive particulars.
America's only respectable form of bigotry is bigotry against religious people. And the only reason for hatred of religion is that it forces us to confront matters many would prefer to ignore.
The new source of divisiveness is the assault of secularism on religion.
Much of the left-liberal elite despise traditional religious beliefs ... in general, they are profoundly uncomfortable with religious institutions and the traditional values they embody.
When we were attacked on Sept. 11, we knew the main reason for the attack was that Islamists hated our way of life, our virtues, our freedoms. What we never imagined was that the free press - an institution at the heart of those virtues and freedoms - would be among the first to surrender.
From Samuel Adams to Patrick Henry to Benjamin Franklin to Alexander Hamilton, all the Founders intended religion to provide a moral anchor for our liberty in democracy.
The secretary of education does not work for the education establishment. The secretary works for the American people.
I think we need to find out why the citizens of the world's wealthiest, most envied, most powerful country are so cynical, so distressed, so angry, so ticked of about so many things.
True courage is mixed with circumspection, the kind of healthy skepticism that asks, 'Is this the best way to do this?' True cowardice is marked by chronic skepticism, which always says, 'It can't be done.'
President Bush was widely ridiculed for consulting the Reverend Billy Graham before the Gulf war.
I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could - if that were your sole purpose - you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.
There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.