In the Lord Jesus Christ we see most clearly the union of prayer and life, the harmony and continual interpenetration of the two spheres of life - communion with God and the work on earth.
There is the great and glorious fact, that God has indeed spoken; that He who made the heart has had first entrance to it; that He has spoken first; that, as in a palimpsest, deep, deep below all the writing of doubt and unbelief is the writing of God, and shall remain there, either in an eternity of blessedness or anguish.
It is only in times of great and grievous dullness that the believer regards prayer as a duty, and not as a privilege.
It is one thing to believe in justification by faith, it is another thing to be justified by faith.
What is meant by calling the writings of Moses and the Prophets.
Eternity is to us as time, the age to come, the continuation, the manifestation, and perfection of our present and true existence.
In reading Scripture, we feel in the presence of Him unto whose eyes all things are naked and open.
Creation is the result, but not the beginning of love. Redemption is the manifestation of God as love, and therefore points to a love of absolute necessity and eternity. God is love, not God became love... It is this love that we are planted by the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus.