It is important to move, no matter slow or fast, just move ... if you move, you always move forward.
Adriano Celentano -
Fortunately, we have reached the moon, but the Earth still suffers from hunger.
Adriano Celentano
Life is the most beautiful song.
Adriano Celentano -
People who no longer play, gradually lose the value of all things.
Adriano Celentano -
If we help those who need it there will be love everywhere.
Adriano Celentano -
When you give your word to a woman, you sign a life time contract. You cannot lie to her any more.
Adriano Celentano -
I do not care whether she loves me or not. I just need her by my side forever, I love her and will always love despite anything.
Adriano Celentano -
A loving wife hears even what goes unsaid.
Adriano Celentano
It is important to be in love with love.
Adriano Celentano -
Each falling star is a chance to ask something from the Sky.
Adriano Celentano -
This land is a monopoly of erroneous ideas.
Adriano Celentano -
The fiercest of beasts is the human. He kills even when he's not hungry.
Adriano Celentano -
Faith is the most wonderful gift of the God.
Adriano Celentano -
No, I do not know why they continue building houses and cut trees. Who knows what will happen if we continue like this.
Adriano Celentano