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'Family Guy''s got a strong fanbase, man, like no other. It's great. Everywhere around the world, it's pretty amazing. It's amazing that people love 'Family Guy' as much as they do. It's great.
As an actor, you travel so much. It isn't great for a marriage.
I am... stubborn, and I admit it, so it's OK.
To your point earlier if a female movie does well they're like "Oohhhh! I can't believe it did well! Maybe the next one will do well, too."
I think that what kids watch now a days is different than what kids watch when I was young so I don't know. I think that it's up to the parents to decide. That's the truth. I'm not a parent. I have no idea, but I think some parents let a ten year old watch it and some parents wouldn't.
An actor goes crazy in a hotel room, gets trashed, throws a bench, breaks a window, and he is considered a rock star. An actress does that and she’s sent to rehab and is thought to have problems and issues and can’t get a job.
You can handle anything.
Honestly, after doing a TV show for eight years and a cartoon for more than a decade, you are, financially speaking, in a very lucky position where you don’t have to work for the sake of working. And I decided to take advantage of that.
I didn't get the Russian Jew part because they didn't think I looked Russian or Jewish enough - and, mind you, I am both Russian and Jewish - so I was cast as the racist Mexican.
I showed sideboob. I don't need to show ass. You get one or the other. You don't get both.
I think that when a person is insecure about who they are or who they want to be, then it translates on screen, and the choices they make are all about perception.
People criticize a woman for everything - like, I get criticized for how my hair looks when I go grocery shopping or the fact that I don’t wear makeup when I get my nails done.
I don't think it's true that blondes have more fun... Trust me, it is not true!
It's very possible that I could look like a kleptomaniac and a pathological liar and that's why I keep getting hired.
I'd rather be in love and have a baby than have a movie.
You can do a movie for Disney or not. People will still ask you inappropriate questions. So in order to answer it, do I feel like there's a difference in promoting it? Apparently not.
I don't even have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Why would I ever want to be viral when I'm not even on the Internet?
I've always wanted to drive cross-country.
I honestly think being single's great. Being in a relationship's great. It's all about the timing.
I went to college because I felt like I was supposed to. I graduated from public high school and I did all the things that I was supposed to do.
I think that you have to restrain yourself from googling your name and have other hobbies and desires and wants. You do a million things. You go to school, you write, you read, you blog.
I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of Steve Carrell and Tina Fey for years.
My nickname when I was young was Teddy, so people would call me Teddy Bear.
There are things you fantasize about doing and saying, and then ultimately don't because it's illegal.