I am a strong Ukrainian girl, that is why I work a lot.
Before, being a model, it was just a job, and I was making fun of it. But today, I take my career more seriously. The fact that a reader may buy an Armani item because she'd seen it on me in a magazine is very important to me. So much so that I intend to launch my own label.
As much as I enjoy doing Resident Evil - and I'm so grateful that this movie, fourth in the franchise, has done better than any of the ones before - the fact that I can get movies made that I wanna make...it gives me the opportunity to do things like Dirty Girl.
I've never actually seen a 3-D movie. I've seen some dailies in 3-D and it kind of gives me a headache. But it looks really cool.
My husband is like, "Oh, thank God we didn't have a boy, because there's this train set that I've always wanted, and these Star Wars spaceships . . ." They say, "Don't spoil your kids," but it's one thing spoiling your kids, it's another thing spoiling yourself.
I took my little brother, and we went from Beijing to Ulan Bator, and then took a helicopter to the southern Gobi. Streams, grass, and sand dunes to climb. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Everybody needs to go to Mongolia just to see what it is to be a human being again.
When I learn martial arts, my master will have me try a punch for a week and he will keep saying, 'No, you don't have it. No, that's not right.' When he finally says, 'Yes, you did it,' it's a wonderful moment. You worked on it. You got it.
During the day I force myself to at least eat some salads rather than rubbish, and a steak in the evening. In fact, I eat to basically satisfy my hunger. I hardly have the time to appreciate a meal, and I'm everything, but a gourmet.
I love to draw, so I really want to go and study art. I've never done things for me. I've always done things for my career or for my family.
I think I'm a very pretty girl. I'm never going to pretend to think otherwise. There are even days I feel I'm fabulously hot and sexy. I'm grateful for my looks. My family is doing well because of them. I can make career choices and turn down movies because of them and I have been making money from them for 17 years. My looks are who I am.
Scratch a Russian, and you'll find a peasant.
I love martial – arts movies. I grew up with my dad watching kung–fu theater every Sunday. So it was kind of my thing.
There is all this controversy that women and girls are too skinny or too overweight. I say to just do martial arts and everything will be okay. You will tone up your body and find a confidence you can't find just sitting around watching TV and hanging out with friends.
I guess the most difficult thing for me was living up to my mom's expectations. I was always scared that if I didn't do things in this certain way, then my mom just wouldn't think I was great. That's something that was difficult for me growing up.
There are many times where even I, at certain points in the evening, after a few drinks, can't pronounce my own surname.
I was also an only child and my father really wanted a son - he's from that generation - it was always about kung-fu theater on Sundays and boxing games on the weekend.
I went to Mongolia many years ago and it was so incredible.
Self-defense is so important to know in today's society. It's not just that you might get mugged. It's more for confidence. It's the way you hold yourself when you walk into a room. Every step you take is more sure and you're much more aware of your surroundings. So, I think it's a really important thing - especially for women.
I'm not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I've known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success, to the point that they'd become jealous of the time I devote to my career.
I feel like movie stars don't have many friends at all. They have acquaintances.
I feel that the connection with children and mothers is so strong in places where there are not so many 'things' to get in the way, no electronic distraction devices, no high-tech baby equipment, just a mother carrying her little one everywhere, sharing a family bed and having the help of all the other women around to raise the baby.
Unfortunately, I don't train enough on an everyday basis to be a black belt, but if I put my mind to it I think I could definitely move very quickly in that world.
My mom and my dad wanted my brother and I to have a better life, you know, better education, better jobs. It was probably harder, much, much harder, for my parents. When you're a kid, you can learn a language much more easily; I learned English in less than a year.
Everybody needs to go to Mongolia just to see what it is to be a human being again.