William Hazlitt Quotes
Quotes to Explore
To cut off the confusion and accept an answer just because it's too scary not to have an answer is a good way to get the wrong answer.
There will be an answer. Let it be.
All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
They had two really good teams those two years, but they've got a really good team this year. I'm hoping upstate this time they can really make a difference.
The personal lives of painters are tragic and inevitable and do not explain the artist. For the artist is his work and no longer human.
I am Todd Hewitt, I think to myself with my eyes closed. I am twelve years and twelve months old. I live in Prentisstown on New World. I will be a man in one month’s time exactly.
I like to prepare as much as possible beforehand, but there's definitely that element of fear when you're on set, and you have to be conscious of it and use that fear to drive you to work harder.
O Lord...
You know of the how, but I know of the how-less.
I love you between shadow and soul. I love you as the plant that hasn't bloomed yet, and carries hidden within itself the light of flowers. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. Because of you, the dense fragrance that rises from the earth lives in my body, rioting with hunger for the eternity of our victorious kisses.
Good is latent in every living thing and simply needs to be called into active expression through the gracious application of respect, sympathetic understanding, gentleness and love.
Most British newspapers now have more columns than the Acropolis
Mozart's music is particularly difficult to perform. His admirable clarity exacts absolute cleanness: the slightest mistake in it stands out like black on white. It is music in which all the notes must be heard.
At most, recognizing that our history was inspired by many tales we now recognize as false should make us alert, ready to call to constantly into question the very tale we believe true, because the criterion of the wisdom of the community is based on constant awareness of the fallibility of our learning.
The Byrds flew off the fallout shelter, eight miles high and falling fast.
If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being; that it is not only a coordinate element with all that is designated by the terms civilisation, instruction, education, culture, but is itself a necessary part and condition of all those things; there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued.
I sit in thy shadow but not alone.
Forgiving is all; forgetting is another thing.