Poverty is the test of civility and the touchstone of friendship.
William Hazlitt -
The most phlegmatic dispositions often contain the most inflammable spirits, as fire is struck from the hardest flints.
William Hazlitt
Learning is, in too many cases, but a foil to common sense; a substitute for true knowledge. Books are less often made use of as spectacles to look at nature with, than as blinds to keep out its strong light and shifting scenery from weak eyes and indolent dispositions. The learned are mere literary drudges.
William Hazlitt -
Though familiarity may not breed contempt, it takes off the edge of admiration.
William Hazlitt -
Fame is the inheritance not of the dead, but of the living. It is we who look back with lofty pride to the great names of antiquity.
William Hazlitt -
Art must anchor in nature, or it is the sport of every breath of folly.
William Hazlitt -
Fashion constantly begins and ends in the two things it abhors most, singularity and vulgarity.
William Hazlitt -
The vain man makes a merit of misfortune, and triumphs in his disgrace.
William Hazlitt
Features alone do not run in the blood; vices and virtues, genius and folly, are transmitted through the same sure but unseen channel.
William Hazlitt -
Fashion is the abortive issue of vain ostentation and exclusive egotism ... tied to no rule, and bound to conform to every whim of the minute.
William Hazlitt -
Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.
William Hazlitt -
To display the greatest powers, unless they are applied to great purposes, makes nothing for the character of greatness.
William Hazlitt -
...greatness sympathises with greatness, and littleness shrinks into itself.
William Hazlitt -
If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory.
William Hazlitt
Humour is the making others act or talk absurdly and unconsciously; wit is the pointing out and ridiculing that absurdity consciously, and with more or less ill-nature.
William Hazlitt -
Truth from the mouth of an honest man and severity from a good-natured man have a double effect.
William Hazlitt -
If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine subject for speculation.
William Hazlitt -
There is an unseemly exposure of the mind, as well as of the body.
William Hazlitt -
A distinction has been made between acuteness and subtlety of understanding. This might be illustrated by saying that acuteness consists in taking up the points or solid atoms, subtlety in feeling the air of truth.
William Hazlitt -
As we are poetical in our natures, so we delight in fable.
William Hazlitt
One of the pleasantest things in the world is going on a journey; but I like to go by myself.
William Hazlitt -
To die is only to be as we were before we were born; yet no one feels any remorse, or regret, or repugnance, in contemplating this last idea.
William Hazlitt -
A grave blockhead should always go about with a lively one - they show one another off to the best advantage.
William Hazlitt -
We prefer a person with vivacity and high spirits, though bordering upon insolence, to the timid and pusillanimous; we are fonder of wit joined to malice than of dullness without it.
William Hazlitt