I could do a franchise for the end of everything. 'The End of Dogs,' 'The End of Cats.'
Previously, young children had to be shown by their parents how to use a mouse or a remote, and the connection between what they were doing with their hand and what was happening on the screen took some time to grasp. But with the iPad, the connection is obvious, even to toddlers.
Ever since viewing screens entered the home, many observers have worried that they put our brains into a stupor. An early strain of research claimed that when we watch television, our brains mostly exhibit slow alpha waves - indicating a low level of arousal, similar to when we are daydreaming.
Women don't give up things. They don't give up responsibilities. They add new things. They exhaust themselves and still don't give anything up. And. And. And. And. And they do all these other things at the same time, which can be exhausting.
The modern economy is becoming a place where women hold the cards.
We've heard that the hookup culture is destroying us. We've heard that it's saving us. We've heard that it's racist. We've agonized over which one of these is true.
Women are choosing to stay single rather than marry men who can't step up and provide.
There is no 'natural' order, only the way things are.
If my own current husband was suddenly a stay-at-home dad, it would be emasculating. That would be hard for me.
With the Jews, the questions are always open; we're always questioning. I love that questioning tradition.
There comes a point in nearly every book event I've done when a little feminist revolt stirs inside the crowd.
Evolutionary psychology tells us that men, especially powerful men, feel invincible and entitled to spread their seed, and that women can't resist the scent of masculine power. Women, by contrast, are said to be more altruistic and collaborative, seeking power so that they can share it with others.
Women have taken on traditionally masculine roles and professions, and there is no real equivalent for men. Men are still extremely reluctant, as we all are reluctant to see them, take on traditionally feminine roles or professions. That is just not something that they do easily.
Workplaces still operate like it's 1962 and one person is always at home, and they are not very good at adjusting for the fact that a majority of women work and take care of children.
Breast-feeding does not belong in the realm of facts and hard numbers; it is much too intimate and elemental.
For women in, say, Alabama, 'feminism' is a dirty word. They would never march in the streets. But although they don't think of themselves as the beneficiaries of feminism, they are.
Women are just much better at getting degrees than men. It seems that school at every level plays to the natural strengths of women more than it does to men.
Feminism was about making women's lives less constrained and giving them more choices.
As we get used to women in power, we are likely to discover that they behave much like powerful men - vain, entitled, always looking for more.
For nearly as long as civilization has existed, patriarchy - enforced through the rights of the firstborn son - has been the organizing principle, with few exceptions.
Blog culture has a hard time digesting narratives, but it has an easy time digesting 'big ideas' pieces.
Attachment parenting demands not just certain actions you take with your baby but also certain emotional states to accompany those actions.
I grew up in a working-class Israeli family, which was feminist only in its female-dominated structure.
NASA projects often have romantic names that link into a long history of exploration and adventure: Atlantis and Discovery, for example.