Let the dead bury the dead? But, the dead can bury no one.
Until socialism—like Nazism or fascism confronted by the death camps and the slaughter of innocents—is confronted with its lived reality, the greatest atrocities of all recorded human life, we will not live "after socialism."
Until socialism is confronted with its lived, communist reality, the gravest atrocities of all recorded human life, we live in its age.
Socialism, wherever it actually had the means to plan a society, to pursue efficaciously its vision of the abolition of private property, economic inequality, and the allocation of capital and goods by free markets, culminated in the crushing of individual, economic, religious, associational, and political liberty. Its collectivization of agriculture alone led to untold suffering, scarcity, and contempt for property as the fruit of labor.
It seems now that the place where you see the most obvious censorship is on college campuses - the precise place where you would expect to see the least.
Socialism with authentic, political power must lead to tyranny and cruelty.
I think it's almost impossible to impose a free and liberal society from the outside.
If someone tells you you are too weak to live with freedom, they have turned you into a child.
Socialism almost never has been judged as a goal in value by the experience of communism in power.
The chasm between what central planning and liberal society brought us, should be the most studied phenomenon of our times. One looks in vain for such study in our research, textbooks, schools, and universities.
A government, a regime that is not willing to slaughter large numbers of its own citizens to stay in tyrannical power will lose power.