Nat Hentoff Quotes
When I speak to students, I tell them why we have a First Amendment. I tell them about the Committees of Correspondence. I tell them how in a secret meeting of the Raleigh Tavern in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry, who did not agree with each other, started a Committee of Correspondence.

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Students graduating with high debt encounter difficulties in qualifying for home and automobile loans.
Voter ID laws have a disproportionate impact on groups that lean democratic - including blacks, hispanics and students.
My parents met when they were graduate students at UC Berkeley in the 1960s. They were both active in the civil-rights movement.
One works in one's laboratory - one's chaotic laboratory - with students and colleagues, doing what one most wants to do - then all this happens! It is overwhelming.
I try to do that in this book without preaching - to try to do as you just said that you really have to defend the First Amendment rights of everybody.
During its first year of operation, Florida Virtual School had 77 students. The next year, it had 476 students; then 2,489 students the year after that.
I can only assume that your editorial writer tripped over the First Amendment and thought it was the office cat.
Math proficiency is the gateway to a number of incredible careers that students may never have considered.
When I taught, all my best students were women.
I feel I learned as much from fellow students as from the professors.
Some Muslim students experience secularism as an act of aggression.
Let students use technologies in the classroom.
I would suggest that teachers show their students concrete examples of the negative effects of the actions that gangsta rappers glorify.
I love the most the students with troubled lives.
Almost all of my graduate students say that they got interested in dinosaurs because of 'Jurassic Park.'
Good tests can help teachers determine how their students are performing and identify the areas in which their students need assistance. Like an X-ray, however, tests can diagnose, but they cannot cure.
Faculty met, and after the usual business, some conversation was had about certain students being addicted to drinking, and it was reported that a citizen of the village had informed a member of the Faculty that there was a good deal of drinking this term among the students.
The majority of U.S. high school students don't know within 50 years when the Civil War occurred.
His students were hardly in a position to tell him when he was getting windy, and he had recently noticed, as most professors did after a while, that his lectures mysteriously seemed to be getting longer with time.
Dear Bea— I've been wading through a pile of "Due before 3" mimeos—but now at last I know what to do with them: into the wastebasket! I'm also hep to the jargon. I know that "illustrative material" means magazine covers, "enriched curriculum" means teaching "who and whom," and that "All evaluation of students should be predicated upon initial goals and grade level expectations" means if a kid shows up, pass him. Right?
When you have such a good workout, it clears everything up mentally, physically, and you just have a better day.
We thank those Senators, both Republican and Democrat, who stood firm against tremendous pressure from the Bush administration, pro-drilling members of Congress and their allies in the oil industry. They recognize that the budget is an inappropriate place to decide controversial national policy matters like America's energy policy. We urge all members of Congress to remain steadfast in their belief that the vast, unspoiled wilderness of America?s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is more than a line item in the Federal Budget.
When I speak to students, I tell them why we have a First Amendment. I tell them about the Committees of Correspondence. I tell them how in a secret meeting of the Raleigh Tavern in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry, who did not agree with each other, started a Committee of Correspondence.