There is strong archaeological evidence to show that with the birth of human consciousness there was born, like a twin, the impulse to transcend it.
Alan McGlashan -
Linear time has one claim to grandeur: it is the tragic aspect of Time
Alan McGlashan
But there are two kinds of escape. There is the escape from something, motivated by fear; and the escape to something, motivated by longing. To confuse the second with the first is to confuse strength with weakness, courage with cowardice, love with fear. “All life,” said the wise witch of Edmonton, “is a wandering to find home,” and nothing will ever finally extinguish this conviction of the human heart.
Alan McGlashan -
To endow clock time with numinous meaning is hardly a fit occupation for an intelligent person.
Alan McGlashan -
Ruefully admitting we can neither remain children nor all become artists still less saints and mystics, we turn back, regretfully, but massively, to the time-ridden world.
Alan McGlashan -
For the scientific impulse and the religious impulse — the search for fact and the search for value — are the two prime and vital movements of the human spirit. … Granted exactly equal validity, pursued with exactly equal sincerity, the search for fact and the search for value lead to the threshold of the world of meaning which is at once their origin and their goal.
Alan McGlashan -
There will always be those who must look into the dark in order to see.
Alan McGlashan