When I was a kid, they made us write these essays about what Heaven would be like. I went to this Christian school in Texas, and the thing that I wrote was no bees. No bees. No mud. No infirmities.
Paradise for me, at this point, would probably be tacos, video games, and my lady. Just hanging out and eating tacos and not getting big.
I'm a black nerd - a blerd!
Your soulmate can be anything. It could be the person you marry, or it could just be literally your bosom buddy. Whatever is the most fulfilling relationship for you. It can be whatever you want it to be.
For fun, I love to play the drums... poorly. I have a band, a bunch of theater nerds - we got together, and we're like, 'Let's play rock music for three hours and never take breaks.' We call ourselves The U.S. Open.
I have a weird thing - if I can't see where all the walls in my house are, I get a little bit freaked out. I think New York has Stockholm Syndrome'd my sense of space and what a house should be.
There's so much control of the audience's experience when you're on stage doing a play, whereas when working on camera, there's a lot of people that have to do a lot of things exactly right for anything that I do to matter at all.
I've been doing theater for a long time, so that's something I understand. I'm such a babe in the woods when it comes to TV and film. I'm still learning. It's exciting.