I am far more interested in being a beginner than in trying to become an expert. Life is difficult and complicated for everyone - but it’s very, very short.
See the opportunities for adventures, not the constraints that get in the way.
Adventure is just about doing something you’ve never done— doing it with enthusiasm and curiosity: doing something difficult with passion.
Life is too brief and too rich to tiptoe through half-heartedly, rather than galloping at it with whooping excitement and ambition.
Start small, do what you do with enthusiasm and do it very well. Stick to that and growth will come.
It is always worth making a little effort to find a special spot to sleep because the memories and the smug Instagram photo last long after you’ve got your breath back.
But whenever you think, ‘this is an exciting idea’ and immediately follow that by thinking, ‘this is a very stupid idea’ then you know you are on to a good thing and that you will regret it if you wimp out.
Sometimes all you need is to climb a simple hill, to spend time staring at an empty horizon, to jump into a cold river or sleep under the stars, or perhaps share a whisky at a small country inn in order to remind yourself what matters most to you in life.