Parades ain't for the people on the floats, they're for the ones watching it go by.
The pain of your loss will return. Less, but still considerable. I know you've worked hard to release it, but it can still take hold of you. I will help you sing away the fury, but I will not bear it for you.
We also have noses that run and feet that smell.Sometimes the universe just doesn't make sense.
We have to face the world like it is before we can make it what it should be.
The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
Most of my family's so dumb, they sit on the TV and watch the couch.
Miserere is about redemption, and the triumph of our best impulses over our worst. It's also about swords, monsters, chases, ghosts, magic, [and] court intrigues. It's also really, really good.
Aral the Jack, formerly the noble Aral Kingslayer, is the best kind of hero.
Yes,but the news is no different from the drunk in the corner bar:he might have a good story, but that doesn't maen you can trust it.
Spring came down hard that year. And I do mean hard, like the fist of some drunken pike poker with too much fury and not enough ale, whose wife just left him for some wandering minstrel and whose commanding officer absconded with his pay.