All thouhgts of grandeur were delusions...until one made them real.
But sons have to be soldiers. And soldiers adapt.
Only by knowing how far we have fallen will we understand what it is to rise again.
Modesty is good. But take your credit. You can't always count on other people to offer it.
Brutish strength combined with the elegance of the gambit—it was the mark of a true genius. Anyone could achieve power with a gun or a knife. The perfect riddle commanded its recipient to act in one way, and one way only. There was no greater mastery—and that was what the Riddler sought to achieve over Batman—absolute mastery.
The world is ending. This is your chance. Would you rather die here, or in a Jaeger?
Overcommunicate. It's better to tell someone something they already know than to not tell them something they needed to hear.
The act of writing, through its peculiar alchemy whereby the fruits of the mind are transformed into symbols intelligible to all literate minds—this is the greatest magic, perhaps.