We received a terrible legacy from the old regime, which was incapable of governing in a time of peace and still less was able to do so while waging war.
It is especially regrettable that the destruction has touched the political and social organisation of the country before any life centre has had time to establish itself and to carry out the great creative work of regeneration.
Our poor country is fighting at an extraordinary hard conjuncture of an unparalleled war and internal problems such as we have never seen before, and only a strong Governmental power able to rely on the confidence of the nation can save it.
That mot d’ordre must be smothered by another, that being “war at the front and peace within the country.”
The coup d’etat found echoes in the army and navy which, believing in their creative strength, unanimously adhered to the new regime and set to work on a radical reform of the armed forces of the country.
Unfortunately the first feeling of radiant joy evoked by the revolution has given place to one of pain and anxiety.
Our poor country is fighting at an extraordinary hard conjuncture of an unparalleled war and internal troubles such as we never have seen before, and only a strong Governmental power able to rely on the confidence of the nation can save it.
Gentlemen, some time ago the country realised that our motherland was in danger. Since then we have gone a step further, for our motherland is on the edge of an abyss.